Boost Search Campaigns Into Every Niche You Can Imagine – And Then Some
Our unique advertising tech for search campaigns makes certain you don’t only advertise in the same space as your competitors. Conquer roughly double the opportunities you are missing out on right now.

Boost Search Campaigns Into Every Niche You Can Imagine – And Then Some
Our unique advertising tech for search campaigns makes certain you don’t only advertise in the same space as your competitors. Conquer roughly double the opportunities you are missing out on right now.

Your leads are looking for a product or service in literally millions of different ways. Let’s give each and everyone of them an equally individual landing page for superior user experience and conversions.
Let’s Start With Numbers We Love

Across all industries covered so far, this is the average lead-campaign performance:
Average Click-Through Rate: 11.22%
Average Cost-Per-Click: 0.49 €
Average Conversion Rate: 22.38%
Average Lead Conversion Rate (Forms Submitted): 2.16%
Total Cost Per Lead: 6.28 €
Industries served with lyftyfy: Real Estate, Renewable Energies, Healthcare, Agencies
According to Wordstream these figures outperform any Google Ad campaign out there.
Read On To Learn About The Theory
(Spoiler Alert: Exciting)
Google Distinguishes 3 Different Search Types – This Is How They Compare

Search queries directly related to the purchase of a product/service.

Search queries that relate a product/service to a geography.

Search queries that describe a search around a product/topic area.
* Figures based on a study of Penn State’s College of Information Sciences and Technology, led by Jim Jansen and Danielle Booth of PSU and Amanda Spink of Queensland University of Technology
The lyftyfy Campaign Engine Serves All These Search Types – Including Informational
lyftyfy’s scalable architecture not only creates any number of Google or Microsoft Ads, but its revolutionary tech will serve up all the matching landing pages as well.
This is especially effective for the majority of users who search for information first and foremost.
Literally Millions of these questions can now be answered by landing pages generated on-the-fly with the according keyword.

Unsurprisingly, user experience improves with higher relevance. This is typically rewarded with significantly stronger conversions than through a bland sales experience.

Information-driven campaigns can deliver up to 120% higher interaction rates, up to 80% higher conversion rates with conversion values being highest among all search types. Navigational comes in at close second.*
* Traditional transactional campaigns performing lowest in comparison

Classic Campaigns Offer n:1 Messaging
It is possible to create many different messages in ads. But most often, they will share the same landing page, due to limitations in automation and the effort and cost it takes to create just as many landing pages.
lyftyfy Creates n:n Experiences
Now, for the first time, everyone gets an ad experience that exactly matches their search intent – from a highly individual ad copy right down to a landing page with exactly the answers they were looking for in the content.

Fields Of Operation
Typical applications for informational campaigns include everything that initiates an informational user journey – which is mostly everything that is not “fast fashion“.
- Costly products
- Complex/technical/industrial products
- Niche products/services
- Trending topics related to your services
- Agenda setting
- Governmental services
- Crisis PR

Maintaining linguistic control of keywords is quite important for many of our clients. Being able to ensure this control automatically and linking this to informative content, even at scale, is unique.

Henning Hock
CEO firststars GmbH, Performance Marketing Experts, Berlin

Being able to turn simple keywords into intelligent and informational copy is something lyftyfy has done quite well.

Adrian Sievering, SEA Lead
OMS AG, Frankfurt

Unbelievable how many leads this campaign generates – we couldn’t have spent our marketing budget better.

Wolfgang Balthasar
B4H Green Energie SE Aktiengesellschaft
lyftyfy Is A Certified Google Partner
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Create millions of customized and unique ads – transactional, navigational and informational
With so many ads, there is exactly one that perfectly matches what someone was looking for. Users quite like it. Marvel at the CTR.

Collect leads with exact matching landing pages
Corresponding content, be it transactional, navigational – and of course those with informative, explanatory content – are inserted dynamically and on-the-fly.
Keep an eye on the Quality Score.
Right, and the UX score and of course your conversions.

Collect leads with exact matching landing pages
Corresponding content, be it transactional, navigational – and of course those with informative, explanatory content – are inserted dynamically and on-the-fly.
Keep an eye on the Quality Score.
Right, and the UX score and of course your conversions.

Any number of topics – informational or otherwise
Google allows up to 4 million ads per account. That’s a whole lot of themes and theme combinations for your brand to have a say in.
This is particularly effective when your brand or products require an informed investment or some level of pre-sales advice.
Create And Delete Thousands of Landing Pages Automatically With Each New Keyword
Imagine you just came up with a few dozen new keywords. Will you now have to go and set up all those new landing pages?
Fortunately, no. Just enter your keywords. Corresponding landing pages will pop up automatically in the background.
Same the other way around. Getting rid of some of those bad keywords? Tens of thousands of landing pages go away with a “poof!” – all without any further ado.

The Language Engine Shapes Static Keywords Into Intelligent Copy From Ads To Landing Pages
You want total control over your ad’s and landing page’s copy. However, you cannot influence how people use keywords to search for something. So you can’t just hand over those search terms through to your ads and landing pages and hope for the best.
Fortunately, lyftyfy makes keywords literally come alive. This assures copy never sounds like robot text. You have control over how keywords, however they were used in a search term, will play out correctly in sentences of any shape, size or form.
Dynamic Keyword Call-To-Action Buttons
One of the reasons people think they have landed on a tailor made page just for them is that even the calls-to-action are texted for them indiviually.
Another smart feature to raise conversion rates.

Privacy-Friendly Tracking
Are some of your visitors wearing hats? Did they have Ramen for lunch, and did they pay for it with their credit cards? Actually, we don’t want to know, and the EU doesn’t want you to know either.
That’s why the entire lyftyfy architecture is built with privacy by design. We use anonymous tracking with Matomo (self-hosted) to feedback the campaign’s performance to Google. But no user data.
And we sleep quite well at night.
No Cookies
Did we forget the cookie banner?
No. But we put in some extra night shifts to avoid ever using one.
There have been reports of people that, for the first and only time that day, didn’t have to click one of those away.
And of all places, that was a campaign page. Strange and nice new world.

Landing Pages With Over 90% Page Speed
One of the metrics regarding Quality Score is page speed. So, not only do we have perfectly matching landing pages for each and every Ad out there, those pages also come to the users with lightning speed.
That makes users very happy. Let’s give this a 10.
• Up to 4 million ads and landing pages
• The agency manages the ads account itself
• Support with the set-up
• Access to the lyftyfy tool
• Hosting of the landing pages on lyftyfy servers
• Resolution of the URL on customer subdomain
• Over 90% page speed
• Operation without cookies possible
• Self-hosted fonts and Matomo
• Operation with cookies and analytics possible
• Price per account
500 €/month
• Up to 4 million ads and landing pages
• lyftyfy manages the campaign
• Free set-up
• Hosting of landing pages on lyftyfy servers
• Resolution of the URL on customer subdomain
• Over 90% page speed
• Operation possible without cookies
• Self-hosted fonts and Matomo
• Operation with cookies and analytics possible
• Price per account